Compute a structured coalescent likelihood given a dated genealogy and a demographic history in FGY format
Compute a structured coalescent likelihood given a dated genealogy and a demographic history in FGY format
timeOfOriginBoundaryCondition = TRUE,
maxHeight = Inf,
forgiveAgtY = 1,
AgtY_penalty = 0,
returnTree = FALSE,
step_size_res = 10,
- tree
A DatedTree object
- tfgy
class tfgy that corresponds to the time, births, migrations and number of infections. See examples for how to construct one.
- timeOfOriginBoundaryCondition
If TRUE, will return -Inf if the root of the tree precedes the time of origin.
- maxHeight
It will only count internode intervals in the likelihood that occur after maxHeight years before present. Useful for large trees and when you do not want to model the entire demographic history.
- forgiveAgtY
If number of extant lineages exceeds simulated population size, return -Inf if this value is one, or forgive the discrepancy if zero. If between zero and one, only forgive the discrepancy if this proportion of lineages is less than the given value.
- AgtY_penalty
If number of extant lineages exceeds simulated population size, penalize likelihood with value L*AgtY_penalty where L is the cumulative coalescent rate within the given internode interval. 0<= AgtY_penalty <= Inf.
- returnTree
If TRUE, a copy of the tree is also returned, which includes the inferred states of lineages and likelihood terms at each internal node.
- step_size_res
Parameter for the ODE solver; it is the default number of timesteps to use when solving coalescent equations in each internode interval
- PL2
Toggle likelihood approximation to be used. If TRUE, the likelihood PL2 will be used. If PL2 = FALSE, the likelihood PL1 will be used. (PL1 faster better approximation, PL2 slow/good approximation). See Volz & Siveroni 2018 for details.
# A simple exponential growth model with birth rates beta and death rates gamma:
dm <- build.demographic.process(births = c(I = 'parms$beta * I'),
deaths = c(I = 'parms$gamma * I'),
parameterNames = c('beta', 'gamma'),
rcpp = FALSE,
sde = FALSE)
# simulate a tree based on the model:
tre <- = 1.5, gamma = 1),
x0 = c(I = 1),
t0 = 0,
sampleTimes = seq(10, 15, length.out=50),
res = 1000)
#Create the tfgy using the dm function above
tfgy <- dm(theta = list(beta = 1.5, gamma = 1),
x0 = c(I = 1),
t0 = 0,
t1 = 15)
# Compute a likelihood
colik.pik.fgy(tre, tfgy)
#> [1] -207.836